Dishin' with Musicians
Dishin' with Musicians
Episode 2: Lara Hope & the Arktones
Join us tonight as we get down and dirty with that Rockabilly sound, as we welcome on the one and only, Princess of Rockabilly, Lara Hope, of Lara Hope and the Ark-tones, joined by special guest: hubby and coffin bass extraordinaire, Matt "The Knife" Goldpaugh.
Lara Hope and her crew are one the hardest working nationally touring bands on the scene, and we are elated to have the opportunity to pick their brains. With new records out recently and new projects on the horizon, we'll dig deeper into their New York state pandemic lifestyles, staying busy at home, and of course asking the big question: WHAT ARE YOU EATING AND COOKING?!!!
We are live! So, don't forget to join in on the comments and ask your questions. There is quite a bit to talk about as we travel down the Country Music History rabbit hole.
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